On the Unity Asset Storehttp://u3d.as/1S4R
Open source:  https://github.com/maurovanetti/inkfungus-template

This is not an actual game, it's a tool to make narrative-driven games with Unity using two awesome pieces of free software: Ink by Inkle Studios and Fungus.

This example scene use a “gateway” to connect the Ink Unity Integration Plugin with Fungus. The interactive documentation explains all the features of the Ink-Funkus Gateway, and it was made using the Gateway itself.

The Gateway's features are quite advanced: you can write your conversation in the Ink script and have Fungus use it for its Say commands, you can call characters from the script using a special syntax, you can synchronise variables and lists between the Ink script and Fungus flowcharts, you can launch events in Ink that trigger flowchart blocks in Fungus etc.

A template project was released on GitHub but the plan is to turn this into a free asset for the Unity Asset Store.

If you wish to use the Gateway in your game, go ahead and do that. You can ask for help if you don't understand how to do that.

If you wish to help with making the Gateway, drop a comment here or just fork the repo and start working on it. Pull requests will be carefully checked and the good ones rapidly included in the next release. Get in touch!

This product and its author are not linked in any way with Unity or Inkle Studios or the producers of Fungus.

Rated 5.0 out of 5 stars
(6 total ratings)
AuthorMauro Vanetti
GenreInteractive Fiction, Visual Novel
Tagsfungus, ink, Narrative, Unity

Development log